反编译AutoIt 3.x的工具,它的主要功能是将exe程序反编译成au3源文件。大家用Autoit v3写脚本,有时会用到反编译工具,工具是英文版的,网上没有汉化的,所以我就汉化一下发布出来与大家分享一下,希望大家喜欢,很好的au3程序反编译工具!
Exe2Aut is designed to be the easiest to use and most versatile decompiler for compiled AutoIt3 scripts one could think of. Simply drag and drop the executable onto Exe2Aut's main window and the source script will be displayed. Unlike the decompiler that's being shipped with AutoIt3, Exe2Aut is even capable of decompiling executables that have been packed and protected using AutoIt3Camo, Themida, Armadillo, Safengine and so forth due to its low level nature.